30 08 2017 Insights Cyber and Data Protection

Brexit - The Road Travelled, the Path Ahead and the Bandit in the Bush


By Gillian Keating and Ciara Ni Longaigh

30th May, 2017

The pathway to Brexit is slowly revealing itself however, there is no doubt that obstacles lie ahead. We anticipate one such obstacle which if not removed early on has the potential to significantly retard economic growth in the UK.

In triggering Article 50, Theresa May activated the legal mechanism that allows the UK to formally leave the European Union. The following timeline highlights the road travelled so far:



The UK’s departure will be a lengthy process. Once Article 50 was triggered, the UK began its journey down a one-way street towards the UK’s departure from the EU. Article 50 states that the treaties relating to EU membership will remain in force until a withdrawal agreement is signed or, failing that, two years from the notification of intent to withdraw. The following timeline indicates what the next steps are likely to be:


Key priorities:




Safeguard the rights of EU citizens

Northern Ireland

Financial settlement

Trade agreement

