23 02 2024 Information Hubs Artificial Intelligence

Spotlight on AI

In this series of interviews RDJ's AI advisory team share their perspective on how companies can leverage the benefits of AI and navigate the ever-evolving landscape for the use of AI technologies as part of business and operations. The series will continue in the future, so make sure you subscribe to RDJ Vimeo channel to stay informed as the episodes drop.

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Sarah Slevin on the EU AI Act

RDJ Partner, Sarah Slevin highlights the different categories of AI systems under the EU AI Act and what businesses (both AI vendors and procurers) can do now to prepare for the implementation of the Act.

Michael Quinlan on Liability for AI output

Michael Quinlan discusses what is being done at EU level to try reduce the harm of AI and the processes that are proposed to be put in place for recovery in the event harm is done.

Ricky Kelly on Data protection considerations associated with AI

Ricky Kelly considers the benefits and challenges of AI, and highlights the importance of organisations carrying out a Data Protection Impact Assessment.

Shane O'Connor on AI in Procurement and ESG

Shane O’Connor outlines the challenges that AI poses from an ESG perspective and considers how generative AI can assist in procurement.

Elena Vassileva on Copyright issues associated with training and use of LLMs

Elena Vassileva considers if the use of data in training AI amounts to copyright infringement and who is liable for copyright infringement in the context of AI.

Michelle Ryan on Navigating the Employment Law Challenges in AI Integration

Michelle Ryan highlights the legal issues that can arise for employers when using generative AI in the workplace.

Darryl Broderick on The impact of AI on Media

Darryl Broderick considers the legal challenges that AI presents for the media and media users, highlighting examples of recent litigation in other jurisdictions.

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