RDJ employees complete 12,000km in Canonballrun challenge
RDJ, recently organised a wellness challenge that saw more than 120 of the firm’s 260+ employees either run or walk a total of over 12,000km ― more than the distance from Cork to New York to Washington DC and on to Los Angeles.
“In an environment where people are dealing with change in everything that they now experience, physical and mental well-being become paramount to good health" - Connie Wiseman, CIO, RDJ
RDJ, recently organised a wellness challenge that saw more than 120 of the firm’s 260+ employees either run or walk a total of over 12,000km ― more than the distance from Cork to New York to Washington DC and on to Los Angeles. Or, put another way, from Dublin to Galway to Paris to Rome to Athens and on to Beijing.
Employees, grouped into virtual teams of 8, logged their daily walk or run distances using smartphone apps, Fitbits, Apple watches and Garmin. A number made it a family affair submitting photos with loved ones along the way.
Managing Partner, Richard Martin, “It’s been great for our physical health. It’s been great for our mental health. It’s been great fun. Quite staggering to think that so many people can have so much fun, with such a sense of achievement and community, all on our own.”
The idea for #RDJCanonBallRun started with RDJ CIO, Connie Wiseman and Partner, Jamie Olden who are both self-confessed fitness fanatics.
“In an environment where people are dealing with change in everything that they now experience, physical and mental well-being become paramount to good health” said Connie Wiseman on the importance of staying active during the Covid-19 crisis. He added, “spending some time walking, cycling, running or doing circuits every day is the foundation stone of keeping myself grounded and enthused for work and life. Assigning even small time amounts of time to these is critically important.”
Jamie Olden added “We wanted to organise something fun, that would engage and connect our teams across our three offices in Cork, Dublin and Galway. The response to the challenge has been fantastic with employees submitting daily photos and videos of their favourite walking/running spots. We’re looking forward to planning the next challenge.”
Such was the intensity of the competition that the winning team and the runners up, after walking or running over 750 kms each, were less than 2 kilometres apart at the end.
Pictured: Connie and Genevieve Wiseman, Jamie and Lilly Olden, Eibhin Stapleton, Richard Martin, Eimear Desmond, Lorna Hayes, Carol Ann Gaffney, Matthew Wallace