21 06 2018In the media

Succession planning

RDJ’s Private Client team discuss partnerships and enduring powers of attorney as valuable succession planning tools in protecting family and business assets.

Eoin Tobin

Partnerships can serve as a useful legal structure to involve children in the business while at the same time the parent retaining control.

Head of RDJ's Private Client Services, Eoin Tobin spoke to The Irish Examiner about how partnerships can be a useful tool to manage succession planning for business owners and parents. Eoin's article highlights the advantages and disadvantages of various forms of partnerships.

Mark Ludlow, Solicitor in the Private Client team, also featured in the article on succession planning, explaining the rules that govern enduring powers of attorney. Mark discusses the types of powers an attorney would have and how they exercise them.

Read Eoin and Mark's full articles here:

  • Using Partnerships to Succession Plan
  • Enduring Powers of Attorney – What You Need to Know About Them

For more information on our private client services contact Eoin Tobin, Head of RDJ’s Private Client Services, eoin.tobin@rdj.ie, +353 21 4802741.

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Eoin Tobin


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Mark Ludlow

Senior Associate
